I am an EMCC Certified Positive Psychology Personal, Executive Coach and Organizational Consultant. I have a MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology from the University of East London and a Bachelor’ s Degree at History and Ethnology from Democritus University of Thrace. The last 15 years I work at the Labor Institute INE GSEE of Athens, Greece, as a coordinator in the management and implementation of co-funded Programmes from the Ministry of Labor and Employment, which concern both employees and unemployed.
The study of human beings has always been at the heart of my interests. However, through the prism of Positive and Coaching Psychology, the study of the human dimension, in all its manifestations, has become for me the meaning of life.
I am the founder and owner of “Dievrynsis Positive Psychology – Coaching”. Dievrynsis, aims to broaden people’s mindset, make them discover and realize the dynamics of themselves, building new ways of thinking, acting and achieving goals, both individually and organizationally.
Finally, my interests and activities include research in the field of Positive Psychology and Organizational Psychology and Behavior.
My Skills: Leadership skills, organizational skills, communication skills, time management.
My 5 character Strengths: Creativity, perspective, love of learning, perseverance, appreciation of beauty and excellence.